I'm Josiah.
A design researcher
and software engineer

I'm sort of a
Not everyone fits into molds. My experience encompasses a wide range between art and science. From AI-training in augmented reality to developing new research models to visualize and study cancer, I seek to understand and find solutions to complex problems.
And most importantly, tell stories for impact.
outdated for your convenience
Take a peek at my
Variety is the spice of life, and varied perspectives on design and development have helped me find synthesis in ways I couldn’t have imagined as kid. I’ve been up to a lot lately, so come take a look!

is power
and enthusiasm pulls the switch
“Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
I have been intentional about deepening my breadth of skill, fascinated wherever art and science collide, overlap, and strengthen each other. Also I like platitudes.
From wireframes to implementation, sketches to user-interface testing — I create and maintain websites and mobile solutions, looking for cutting-edge mediums to tell stories and provoke interest.
Relevant Tools/Methods: Proficient in React, Typescript, and npm package bundling. WordPress and many common CMS are my bread and butter. Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, or Illustrator for prototyping and creating the visual story.
Mathematics and full stack programming has deepened my ability to craft software that makes a difference, such as an augmented reality app to help the visually-disabled. Currently on a Master’s program track for Computer Science and Software Engineering at U of Washington, Seattle.
Relevant Tools/Methods: Competent in C++ and Java, working knowledge of PHP, Unix/Linux, and OS X platforms. Educated in Software Architecture and Patterns. Practiced with Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and modern CI/CD build-deploy strategy.
Design is the culmination of my creative potential and software expertise. Visual Identity is a vital component to reaching audiences. I strategize, research, concept, sketch, design, and help brands craft their story to connect with their audience.
Relevant Tools/Methods: Figma, Adobe CC Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, After Effects), and an experienced illustrator with Procreate on iPad. Also a photographer, videographer/editor, and musician.
Drawing, sketching, prototyping, and modeling bring to life ideas in ways other design can’t. I love to use my hands to discover new ways of telling stories. Part of this requires studying what people need versus what they think they want. Delivering an experience that is not only pleasant, but functional.
Research is my bread and butter. Relevant Tools/Methods: Adobe XD /Figma for wireframing / prototyping, and Illustrator / After Effects / Excel for data visualization. Also familiar with testing modules, A/B experiments, and engagement monitoring.
Years of managing biochemistry labs has honed my ability to mine data and master Excel, MATLAB, and a host of other data analysis software and languages.
Relevant Tools/Methods: Excel, SQL, prototyping in Python (research in R, Go, Java), GitHub for version control / collaboration, and common regression models. Also familiar with Tableau and cluster analyses.